Tuesday, November 12, 2019


We are learning about Parihaka
Parihaka is a nice peaceful place. But then they noticed that soldiers were coming to kill their people to steal their land, so what they did was... The women baked some bread to give to the soldiers. The kids welcomed them by dancing and singing to them and the women gave them bread. The soldiers felt guilty so they just took the men and put them in jail for 2 years.
I enjoyed making the google drawing because it was very fun to learn about and a little sad. I found it challenging to remember everything. Next time I will try to fit more things in.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Reading Task 1

In X men for reading we were reading a book about this boy Louis, our task this week was use a google drawing to create a character profile of Louis.
I enjoyed making Louis because he sounds like a fabulous boy to create. 
I found it challenging to make his body because I was only using shapes.
Next time I would change his face.