Tuesday, November 12, 2019


We are learning about Parihaka
Parihaka is a nice peaceful place. But then they noticed that soldiers were coming to kill their people to steal their land, so what they did was... The women baked some bread to give to the soldiers. The kids welcomed them by dancing and singing to them and the women gave them bread. The soldiers felt guilty so they just took the men and put them in jail for 2 years.
I enjoyed making the google drawing because it was very fun to learn about and a little sad. I found it challenging to remember everything. Next time I will try to fit more things in.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Reading Task 1

In X men for reading we were reading a book about this boy Louis, our task this week was use a google drawing to create a character profile of Louis.
I enjoyed making Louis because he sounds like a fabulous boy to create. 
I found it challenging to make his body because I was only using shapes.
Next time I would change his face.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Smart Media

 Today We were learning to know how to verify online information and analyse the construction of digital media.
I enjoyed making the picture.
Next time I will try make my picture more lighter.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What is media

Today I was learning about what media is.
I enjoyed taking the photo and removing the background.
I found it challenging to pick the right picture.

Friday, September 27, 2019

My Birthday

This week in Room 1 we are describing. We had to use specific nouns, adjectives and juicy verbs to start some sentences and a simile. I  enjoyed watching The Grinch. I found it challenging to remember all the things that happened in my recount. Next time I will add a simile. 

My Birthday.
December the 18.
Hi I'm Aliyah and this is how my birthday party went…
There were 4 people at my birthday, Sam, Marshall, KC and Riley. We went to their houses and picked them up. After that, we drove to Breakers (a food place) and chose what we were going to eat. We sat by the window. The food came we ate it all up. It was delicious. I was just left with my dessert. I was full. I didn’t want to eat anything anymore so Marshall ate it. When we finished we went to the movies. We watched The Grinch.

In the middle of the movie Riley was too loud and annoying us so that my ruined birthday. I asked him to stop but he said ‘Shut up.’

At the end of the movie KC and I ran so we didn't have to listen to them. My Mum picked us up and dropped them off. Mum and I drove home and had birthday cake with Nan.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


This week we presented our speeches.
I felt nervous. I was shaking.
We included our pepeha.
We had to use a clear voice, stand still, speak loudly, go at our own paice, make eye contact, use expression and be confident.
Our speeches needed to include a rhetorical question and be persuasive.
My speech was on Why You Should Like Dogs.
This is my speech.

Ko Pukehapopo Te maunga  
Ko Waiomoko Te awa 
Ko Horouta, Tereanini, Takitimu Te waka 
Ko Ngati Konohi and Rongowhakaata Te iwi 
Ko Whangara Te marae 
No Turanga ahau  
Ko St Marys toku kura
Ko Aliyah ahau
No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa. 

Why you should like dogs.
Do you want to be bored at home watching your cat sleep? Well I have 2 little dogs at home always playing around and fighting. But when I come in there's Tug of War Dogs VS Human We pretended that the crowd went wild! There's growling there's roaring there's Barking and there's Death eyes. That's the really fun part of owning a dog.  Since they are so small and snuggly, going to bed is pretty cool. I don't get to go to bed by myself I have snuggly warm puppies to cuddle. They are worn out by bedtime so it's off to sleep until morning. Then the fun starts all over again. 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Climate Change

In Room 1 we have been learning about climate change. I enjoyed voice typing on to my docs. I found it challenging to find facts. Next time i will type it on.

Climate Change
How we can stop climate change? Do you even know what climate change is? Some people think that global warming is the same thing is climate change…but it's not! 

What is climate change?
Climate change is the affect the warmer weather has on our planet.
The changing climate will make our weather more extreme and unpredictable. As temperature rises some areas will get wetter and lots of animals could find that they cannot cope with the changing climate. 

What is global warming?
Global warming is the warming up of our planet. The earth has warmed up and around 1 degrees Celsius over the last Century.  

What causes climate change?
-Burning of gas, oil and fuels that release gas into the atmosphere. 
This acts like an invisible blanket trapping heat from the sun and warms the Earth.
-Cows eating builds up gas called methane gas in the stomach which makes them fart. With almost 1.5 billion cows farting methane gas into the atmosphere this is not good.
-Forests soak up carbon dioxide from the air and releases oxygen back into it. Lots of these rainforests are being cut down to clear for farmlands and roads. 

How will it affect our planet?
- More Rainfall 
-Changing seasons 
-Shrinking sea ice 
-Rising sea levels 
-Some wildlife 

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Amazon Rainforest Fires

In Room 1 we have been learning about the Amazon Rainforest wildfires. I found it sad that there has been 80,000 fires so far this year. I found it challenging to find these facts. Next time I will find more facts.

Math Quiz

In Room 1 we have been learning how to link slides and to create Math quizzes. I enjoyed learning how to link the slides. I found it challenging to link the questions. Next time I will make my questions harder.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Pollination Animation

In Room 1 we have been learning to doing Animations. Me and my friend made a pollination Animation slide. I enjoyed creating this with my friend and moving the letters. I found it challenging to make another copy of the slide but i know how to now. Next time i will try make it faster.

Caged Chickens Should Be Banned

In Room 1 We have been doing writing. I found it challenging to find facts about why chickens should be banned. Some facts were really sad so i didn't put them in. I enjoyed writing the facts down. Next time i would try find more facts to put in.

Do you want to be in a cage that is not so bigger than an A4 piece of paper and only 40cm high?Well this is why i think they should be banned. They can’t spread their wings, have a dust bath or exercise properly. The chickens spend their time on wire floors which hurts their feet and give them sores. They are living in cramped cages with no exercise or bathing that leads to serious bone and muscle weakness. Some chickens get picked on and can’t escape the bullies because of the cramped cages. Newborn chickens will never see their mothers. Not long after being born the males and females are separated. The females go to live in a tiny cramped wire cage and the males are killed. The females are kept for 2 years then killed off as well as they don't lay many eggs after this. Chickens are smart, social and sensitive animals who deserve a much better life than this. So don’t just buy the eggs because there cheap.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Tom Fedro Art

In Room 1 we have been learning about Tom Fedro.
I enjoyed mixing colours and blending colours. I found it challenging to blend the colours.
Next time i would use a smaller brush to do the eyes and lines. 
Tom Fedro lives in Chicago. He uses bright colours and bold lines.
This is my art.


In Room 1 this week we have been learning about interdependence. I enjoyed learning how  the oxpecker and the rhino help each other. I found it challenging to do my screencastify. Next time I would try to get it done quicker.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

St Mary Mackillop

St Mary Mackillop
Today is Mary Mackillop's feast day. So the whole school went to mass to celebrate. We got asked 3 questions and answered them.

1. Who is Mary Mackillop?
Mary MacKillop is a saint she was born in Melbourne. She was best known for her activities in South Australia.

2.What did Mary Mackillop do? 
Mary MacKillop's first job was as a clerk when she was 14, she then worked as a governess looking after her cousins and farm children, and teaching them lessons. She loved children and later on she became a teacher.   

3. How did she become a saint?
In June 1995 Mary Mackillop was beatified by Pope John Paul II. An Australian woman had terminal cancer and it disappeared after she called upon Mary MacKillop in prayer. Pope Benedict recognized Mary Mackillop as a saint.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Removing Backgrounds

In Room 1 we are learning to use remove backgrounds. I enjoyed doing the pose. I found placing everything in the right place quite hard.

5 Facts About bees

This week in Room 1 we have been learning about bees. I enjoyed finding facts about bees and putting them in my own words. Next time I will create more space.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


We are learning to use descriptive words. 

I enjoyed writing about autumn because there were lots of things to describe.

I found it trying to describe the sky.

Outside, waving colourful leaves fluttered to the ground. Wet silky grass danced on top of the muddy dirt. The windy noisy sky howled. The soft sun tried to shine through the white clouds. 

Friday, June 28, 2019

Bottle Rocket

In Room 1 we have been doing a science fair project. 
In my group we have been learning about bottle rockets. 
I enjoyed it because when we launched it, 
it flew into the sky. 
I found the discussion kind of hard because there were so many things to put in it.         

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

St Joseph

In Room 1 we have been learning about saints. I have been learning about St Joseph. I enjoyed learning about him because he is well known and a good person.

St Joseph was born in Bethlehem and lived until Jesus was 26 years old which would have made him around 60 years old at the time of his death. It is not known how he died except that he died in Nazareth, Israel. St Joseph was described as a Carpenter. He married Mary then he found out that she was already pregnant.He wanted to divorce her but back then if anybody found out Mary would be killed. An Angel came to Joseph and told him that Marys child was the son of God and was made by the Holy Spirit so Joseph keep Mary as his wife and became Jesus’s foster father. St Joseph was made a protector of the Catholic Church. He was described as putting everybody's needs first before his own, and always thinking of others.                         

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Hello my name is Aliyah. I live with my mum and dad and my two brothers. I have two dogs and one cat. I go to St Mary's School in Gisborne, New Zealand.

I am good at mathematics. I like to do BMX, soccer and hockey. I like to do PE and running. My favourite subject is mathematics. My favourite food is strawberries. My challenge this year is to sit by someone who I am not going to talk to.

I am looking forward to making more friends and to get better at soccer.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Nau mai, haere mai!
Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends everywhere.